New York City Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Market Prices 1969 by the Department of Information

A green zine is seen in a repeating grid pattern on a black background, the zine title says NEW YORK CITY 1969 Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Market Prices 1969

The Department of Information Office of Public Awareness, Division of Film, Radio, Television, and Books is proud to release the first publication in a series of unsanctioned but greatly improved reproductions of original USDA Fruit and Vegetable Market News Reports from the National Agricultural Library.

These semi-faithful reproductions have been lovingly brought back to life by unpaid interns and graphic artists using the latest software and printing technologies.

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The 1969 NYC Report is the first in a series that aims to bring awareness to fruits, vegetables, and their historic wholesale prices. Our lawyers are requiring us to say that these reports are neither known nor endorsed by the USDA.

From the Agricultural Marketing Service website: “For 100 years, AMS has provided free, unbiased price and sales information to assist in the marketing and distribution of farm commodities.  Each year, Market News issues thousands of reports, providing the industry with key wholesale, retail and shipping data.”

Continued: “The reports give farmers, producers and other agricultural businesses the information they need to evaluate market conditions, identify trends, make purchasing decisions, monitor price patterns, evaluate transportation equipment needs and accurately assess movement.”

  • Report specs:
  • Original 1969 content + more
  • Silkscreened Evergreen linen-patterned 100lb cover
  • Mint Speckletone interior pages
  • All paper recycled and made with hydroelectric power from French Paper Company
  • Unsanctioned USDA-stamped lettuce seed paper

Purchase a copy of New York City Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Market Prices 1969 by the Department of Information at the Tomato Lab Vegetable Market.

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